【Bible Study】Acts 09: We Are All God's Chosen People


In this chapter, it talks about God's chosen people. Don't think that Peter is not chosen by God. God chooses people. This logic has caused great distress to many people, worrying about if they are chosen by God. In Paul's letters, he wrote that he was separated from the womb, from the creation of the world. Is this a good promise, or a bad one?

We are all his chosen people. You are, I am. Paul is, Peter is.

Paul was chosen by God

This method of choosing was very interesting. Paul was on his way to Damascus, taking the orders of those in Jerusalem to capture Christians. On the way there, Jesus appeared to him with a great light, blinding him immediately. Paul asked, "Who are you, Lord?". Paul knew in his spirit that it was the Lord.

Why would God choose Paul if he is persecuting the Lord? Only Paul was chosen, but why would God choose him? He was zealous for the Lord, which is better than no zeal. He just thought he was serving God, because he believed that the Christians were disobeying Moses' law.

One thing though, he was zealous for God. He was not only zealous in persecuting the church, but he was zealous in loving God. A person who loves God is very interesting. A person who loves the world will be very hard to turn to loving God. But Paul loved God.

When Peter was chosen by Christ, it was much easier than this. Being chosen by God looks very different to different people. But one thing is true, it is very hard for God to choose someone who loves the world.

So don't rely on physical things or signs to know that you are chosen by God. Do you have a zeal for the Lord? Are you only depending on the church to solve your own problems?

If there are already twelve disciples, why would they need Paul? But are you so foolish? Isn't more better? Is twelve enough? Thirteen or fourteen would not be enough either. There is space in God's kingdom.

A lot of times, people are chosen from the beginning of the world, from birth. One thing you can do though, is being zealous for God. Paul did the wrong thing, but suddenly he saw the light and changed. God is not worried about people doing wrong, he is mostly concerned about their love and zeal for God. If you want to be chosen by God, don't be lukewarm. Even mixing hot and cold is better.

Some people have time, and they are zealous, but some people have no time, and they are still zealous! A person who has time is just finding ways to spend it, but those who don't truly love God. We are chosen by birth in this way: we were created with a heart to love God. Don't be cold to the Lord.

There are very few people who truly love God. They are always concerned with their own, worldly affairs: marriage, family, work.

God, on his throne, is not concerned about people doing the wrong thing. What he cares about is if they love God.

God chose Paul to proclaim God's name to the Gentiles, the king, and the Israelites

Aren't there already enough apostles? Why didn't God choose Peter and John to proclaim his name? God could, but were the disciples willing to do it? This is the destiny of Paul. Paul fulfilled his commission.

God had already chosen Peter. Afterward, Peter was also chosen by God to proclaim his name to the Gentiles, but Peter was unwilling to do it. God has long ago chosen Paul because he knew that Peter would not go. Today, God is choosing you. Are you going to be like Peter or Paul? God is giving you a new direction.

Did Paul go to the Gentiles and the Israelites? Yes, he did. He also went to the king: the Emperor of Rome. This is a great honor, even though he was imprisoned in Rome. This is what God chose him to do.

If you truly love God, you will seek eternal treasures. Ask yourself, what do you truly want from God? If you desire eternal glory, then it will be completely different.

Paul would undergo great suffering for the sake of God

If you hear this, do you still want to serve God? Some people say, they are scared, but others desire it. If someone truly has a destiny, and they are willing to live and die for it, it is normal. If you fall away due to a little persecution, then what are you?

If you serve God and say that you love him, and fall away when you face a little persecution, then what type of destiny is that? What if people want to kill you? All of the things that we experience are given by God. Even persecution. If this is not your destiny, you won't be able to take a little bit of persecution.

Did Paul experience persecution? Yes, from the beginning. In Damascus, many tried to kill him for preaching that Jesus is Lord! They killed Jesus, wouldn't killing Paul be easy as well? The light of Jesus is lightening them up, and now it is very clear to see those who belong to God or the devil. A little persecution and suffering is normal.

He escaped to Jerusalem, and there the Hellenistic Jews tried to kill him as well! Why do people hate Jesus? He didn't want to change politics or overthrow governments, he just wanted to preach a way to be saved. It is because there are spiritual powers at work. If you want to be God's disciple, then you must put off family, houses, and land. The devil will use those to distress you.

If you want to have a destiny, to walk this way of glory, then do not be afraid of suffering. Also, you will know that God has chosen you. Don't think that loving the world will bring you less suffering. Would you rather suffer for the world, or the sake of God?

If believing in God is easy, then what would be the point of destiny? A lot of people suffer for their work and their company.

There are people trying to kill Paul everywhere. If you want to serve God, be prepared to die for him. If you don't have the heart to die for God, then you will not be able to walk the way of destiny.

Peter was also chosen by God

The second part of Acts was about Paul being chosen by God, a very miraculous story. Peter's was much simpler. Now he is in Lydda, and he raised the dead woman to life. Is Peter's spiritual life good? God chose Peter, so he works through Peter. It has nothing to do with spiritual lives, much less me or yours. Don't credit these miracles to yourself. You are only a vessel of God's power, and he uses you to fulfill his will. Even those who don't believe are used by God.

Peter then went to Joppa, meeting a disciple named Tabitha, Dorcas.

36 In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (in Greek her name is Dorcas); she was always doing good and helping the poor. 37 About that time she became sick and died, and her body was washed and placed in an upstairs room. 38 Lydda was near Joppa; so when the disciples heard that Peter was in Lydda, they sent two men to him and urged him, 鈥淧lease come at once!鈥? (Acts 9:36-38 NIV)

Dorcas had already been dead for several hours. This can only mean one thing: Paul was chosen by God, and so was Peter. Even though you do wrong, God can still work in you. It is not your own spiritual power. Don't think that Peter is not chosen by God, even Paul never said this.

God chose Paul because he had a heart to build up the church of God. Let us fulfill the will of God in this way.

We still don't know if we are chosen by God or not. The only thing we can do is believe that we are. But those who are chosen have special characteristics that God looks for. Believe, and work hard to be used by God.

God wants us to minister to people who are at the lowest, the poorest of the poor. He also wants us to go to those at the top, the richest of the rich. They all need God. We need to be able to preach the word of God effectively.


It is God who chooses people, not we who choose God. From the beginning of creation, he chose us to be his glorious vessels. He has power because he is our Lord. May God bless everyone.

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