IntroductionDear brothers and sisters, grace to you and peace from God, our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless you
From this week onwards, we will have a new round of Bible Study for the book of Genesis. We have done the Bible Study for the book of Genesis for many rounds. From pa...
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Tag Archives: restore the image of God
【Bible Study】Deuteronomy 05 Part 2: The Principles of Living and Prospering and Prolonging Your Days in the Land That You will Process
Why God Forbid us Worshipping IdolsDo you know why God did not want us to worship idols? Because we have the honourable image of God, so we are superior to angels.However, if you live like a wimp, and after death, your descendants cry, " My dear ancestors, please bless me" How is that possible if y...
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