【Bible Study】Proverbs 28: The Love of Money is the Root of Evil

Bible Study: Proverbs


Hello everyone, let's study Chapter 28 of Proverbs. I have looked at some online Bible studies on Proverbs, and they usually explain it verse by verse, focusing on individual trees without seeing the whole forest. Our church likes to study books and make a full system from them. Let me give you an example, when Matthew wrote the Gospel of Matthew, he wrote a lot of things, but in fact, it is really talking about two kingdoms, two pursuits, and two endings.

If the young people among us can form a system of learning, then they will do well in school. You need to build a knowledge system. Why do some people think something is huge? Because they have a lot of random things and they can’t piece them together. You need to build a system. For example, the book of Luke wrote, many fall, many rise up. In the book of Exodus, God’s army came from Egypt.

Just think carefully and tell me what you think. Everything in chapter 28 is talking about money. What system is Proverbs 28 creating? It is "the love of money is the root of evil.”  If a person becomes greedy, evil will arise.

Why be greedy? Even some kings are greedy because they don’t have enough. There was a brother who said his father couldn’t fall asleep. Turns out, it was because he was calculating debt. He calculated it like this. When he became old, he would need to spend a lot of money. Why did he think like this? Because people are always trying to add a few more years to their life.

People are very afraid of death. When they ponder this, they realize that to live, they need money. However, people fail to understand that even with money, they can't solve the problem of death. Steve Jobs had a lot of money, yet he still died of cancer.

If money can solve all the problems of being alive, we would all pursue wealth together. However, this is the biggest misconception in life: believing that money can solve everything, including the basic issues of survival. When the desire for money combines with the desire to live, people want to live a glorious and successful life. This mindset is extremely hurtful. Instead of focusing on the physical aspects, it is better to work on the depths of one's soul.

According to the logic of the flesh, if you want to live well, you need money. Why do you need money? Because going to the hospital for treatment requires money.

To realize the essence of being alive

The wicked flee though no one pursues,
but the righteous are as bold as a lion. (Proverbs 28:1 NIV)

The righteous here refer to those who trust in God. While the wicked refer to those who do not trust in God. It is not a surprise that these people are afraid of death as they strive to stay alive. Why are the righteous so brave? Because they rely on God, and they do not live by the flesh alone. Once you think you live by the flesh, then everything you live revolves around money.

To summarize: the love of money is the root of evil, and the wicked will do anything for money.

When a country is rebellious, it has many rulers,
but a ruler with discernment and knowledge maintains order. (Proverbs 28:2 NIV)

Sin and wicked people will never leave each other. Here, discernment and knowledge refer to understanding what it means to be evil, what it means to truly live, what money really is, and what sin really is. After you know these things, a nation will endure, and you will live forever. That's why God’s kingdom is eternal because it is based on a fleshly concept.

A tyrannical ruler practices extortion,
but one who hates ill-gotten gain will enjoy a long reign. (Proverbs 28:16 NIV)

A nation endures over time because it despises greed.

Like a roaring lion or a charging bear
is a wicked ruler over a helpless people. (Proverbs 28:15 NIV)

The government cannot steal money from its people. If it is also greedy for money, then it’s really bad.

When a country is rebellious, it has many rulers,
but a ruler with discernment and knowledge maintains order. (Proverbs 28:2 NIV)
A tyrannical ruler practices extortion,
but one who hates ill-gotten gain will enjoy a long reign. (Proverbs 28:16 NIV)

Is there anybody who wants money? Yes. If you give that person a government job, they will not do work properly.

A ruler who oppresses the poor
is like a driving rain that leaves no crops. (Proverbs 28:3 NIV)

Everything is about money, even rich people will oppress the poor for money.

Those who forsake instruction praise the wicked,
but those who heed it resist them.
Evildoers do not understand what is right,
but those who seek the Lord understand it fully. (Proverbs 28;4-5 NIV)

You should think about this carefully. We should have a deep understanding of the issue of money. The impact will be different once you have a thorough understanding of it. You will not be eager to chase after it if money has no connection to people.

A faithful person will be richly blessed,
but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished. (Proverbs 28:20 NIV)
The stingy are eager to get rich
and are unaware that poverty awaits them. (Proverbs 28:22 NIV)

Foolish people just want to make money quickly all day long. But then they will walk onto a crooked path. Just recently, Singapore arrested a few people for selling drugs. Selling drugs can make you a lot of money, but it is a bad path and it will bring you trouble.

Brothers and sisters, why do you want to be rich so quickly? If you want to be rich quickly, you can become an evil person easily because the love of money is the root of evil. This logic system inside will demonstrate if somebody is a righteous or evil person. We rely on God to live.

The path of life relies on God

The one whose walk is blameless is kept safe,
but the one whose ways are perverse will fall into the pit.
Those who work their land will have abundant food,
but those who chase fantasies will have their fill of poverty. (Proverbs 28:18-19 NIV)
The greedy stir up conflict,
but those who trust in the Lord will prosper. (Proverbs 28:25 NIV)

When a person is greedy, they will even take money from their parents. Why? Because they love money. Whether they are in the city, or on a farm, they always want money. People take advantage of each other for financial gain.

Whoever robs their father or mother
and says, “It’s not wrong,”
is a partner to one who destroys. (Proverbs 28:24 NIV)
Those who trust in themselves are fools,
but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe. (Proverbs 28:26 NIV)

If you are self-righteous, you won’t know that it's foolish. Some people walk on the path of being cursed and poverty, yet they think they are making money. Sometimes they even blame me for trying to stop them. The reason for this is that they are very greedy for money. In reality, I am not blocking their path to wealth but preventing them from going down a road of poverty and lack.

Some people take money from their parents, and give the money as an offering, thinking that God will bless them. The underlying reason behind this is just two things: money and greed.

Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper,
but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy. ( Proverbs 28:13 NIV)

A greedy person says: “I have no goal, I just want to take money from you.” Of course not, everybody knows what kind of person this is.  Then they use decent reasons to cover their sins.

Blessed is the one who always trembles before God,
but whoever hardens their heart falls into trouble. (Proverbs 28:14 NIV)

A greedy person cannot be scolded, they think that people are hindering them from making money.

Anyone tormented by the guilt of murder
will seek refuge in the grave;
let no one hold them back. (Proverbs 28:17 NIV)

This is like rushing headlong into destruction, and as a result, the situation becomes increasingly twisted. People just don't know where the path of life is. The path of life is to rely on God, and relying on God will lead to abundance.

The greedy stir up conflict,
but those who trust in the Lord will prosper. (Proverbs 28:25 NIV)

If you don’t rely on money, you will find that helping others in need won't lead to their own lack. On the other hand, those who are overly focused on saving money often end up experiencing more curses and hardships.

Those who give to the poor will lack nothing,
but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses. (Proverbs 28:27 NIV)

In reality, many people are experiencing curses because of money. Many rich people think they are smart even though their money may not come from legitimate means. A person who suddenly becomes rich thinks his prosperity is due to his cleverness and seizing a good opportunity. Actually, it can be a tragedy. Actually, there are a lot of things that are hard to understand in this world. Even the wicked can be elevated.

When the wicked rise to power, people go into hiding;
but when the wicked perish, the righteous thrive. (Proverbs 28:28 NIV)

The phrase "the love of money is the root of evil" addresses this very issue.

The rich are wise in their own eyes;
one who is poor and discerning sees how deluded they are. (Proverbs 28:11 NIV)

To break free from the logic of greed

Whoever increases wealth by taking interest or profit from the poor
amasses it for another, who will be kind to the poor. (Proverbs 28:8 NIV)

People are always trying to make money, however some of this money goes to the poor. This world is very special, God made the system so it is just like this. Our life is not in our own hands, it is in the hands of God. God will make us wealthy, and not make us poor.

Better the poor whose walk is blameless
than the rich whose ways are perverse. (Proverbs 28:6 NIV)
When the righteous triumph, there is great elation;
but when the wicked rise to power, people go into hiding. (Proverbs 28:12 NIV)

Even if it means giving up opportunities to make money, I would rather not be someone who is a wicked person in God's eyes. Because it is not a lasting path.

For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. (1 Timothy 6:10 NIV)
To show partiality is not good—
yet a person will do wrong for a piece of bread. (Proverbs 28:21 NIV)

Why do people consider others' social grace? It is often for money. it is all about money and personal gain.

Whoever rebukes a person will in the end gain favor
rather than one who has a flattering tongue. (Proverbs 28:23 NIV)
The greedy stir up conflict,
but those who trust in the Lord will prosper. (Proverbs 28:25 NIV)
Those who give to the poor will lack nothing,
but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses. (Proverbs 28:27 NIV)

Brothers and sisters, rethink your hearts, if there is greed, you will see that God’s power will work in you, do not live in greed anymore, live by God’s word. Those who adhere to the law are wise children. God's law guides what we should not do, teaching people the boundaries of right and wrong.

If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction,
even their prayers are detestable. (Proverbs 28:9 NIV)
Let's conclude our Bible study here. May God bless everyone.

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