【Bible Study】Proverbs 27: The Wisdom of Dealing with People and Doing Things

Bible Study: Proverbs


Hello everyone, let's learn Proverbs Chapter 27. Is this chapter easy to read? No, it’s not easy to read. Because after reading this chapter, I didn’t understand what the author was trying to say.

But after reading it several times, I realized what it was trying to say. The main theme of Proverbs 27 is wisdom in dealing with people and doing things. Why? Because it is talking about relationships. If you have bad relationships with each other, then it is bad.

I realized that people are easy to blame other people whenever they face troubles. If you act like this, you are in trouble. Whom should you blame? You should blame yourself. If you blame yourself, there is still an opportunity for you to grow. But if you blame other people, you even lose the opportunity to grow.

I had a friend who was an engineer, he solved many problems for other people while doing business. I served him before and tried to cast out the demons on him. However, the demon wasn’t even cast out, yet he left. This guy was pretty unlucky, he did work for others but he didn’t get paid for it. If it was me, how would I react to this? I would accept it if I encountered such things. If it didn’t happen to me, then I would thank God.

One time we invited him for coffee. We sat face to face, and he told me that I wasn't a good person. I wondered how, in his eyes, I wasn't a good person when I was trying to solve his problems. People prefer friends who can't solve their problems. But when I interact with others, I am always sincere. Sometimes, when I can't do much, I still try to say something, and how much I say and how deep I go depends on our relationship. As a result, I became a bad person in his eyes. Later, I tried to explain it to him, but he might not have understood.

Actually, I am not a good person. A good person can't drive away demons, and a good person can't resolve problems. Then he asked if I could resolve his problems. I told him I certainly could, but he had to let me solve them. So, he asked if I could drive the demons out of his customers so they would pay him back. When I heard this, I realized there was a deep misunderstanding. He had demons, and his personality was eccentric. When he helped others, they wouldn't pay him; when he partnered with others in business, they abandoned him. This all boils down to a lack of wisdom in dealing with people and handling matters. Everyone should pay attention to this.

The wisdom of making friends

If you encounter unlucky things often, then you need to ask yourself why this happens. Everybody needs to know that if they have a devil in themselves when they have a relationship with someone, the devil will start acting. So, through actions, through making friends, and through doing things, one can see what kind of person someone truly is.

Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses. (Proverbs 27:5-6 NIV)

Don't forsake your friend or a friend of your family, and do not go to your relatives's house when disaster strikes you-better a neighbor nearby than a relative far away. (Proverbs 27:10 NIV)

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17 NIV)

As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart. (Proverbs 27:19 NIV)

Proverbs 27 speaks a lot about people's relationships. God will test us by our relationships with others. We must think about what kind of person we are. I have already said this many times, a person's problems are all caused because of themselves. If somebody is getting bullied by their friends, they can’t blame it on others. Or else he is a foolish person.

You need to know, people who are friends with you will trick you. If you are friends with people who do bad things, then you are unlucky. God will observe your choices and actions in this world, step by step, to see if you are a foolish, reckless, or unwise person.

A quarrelsome wife is like the dripping of a leaky roof in a rainstorm; restraining her is like restraining the wind or grasping oil with the hand. (Proverbs 27:15-16 NIV)

If you find a terrible wife who is always complaining, then it is a reflection of the foolish decisions you made in the past. You need to know how to solve these things.

Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses. (Proverbs 27:5-6 NIV)

There was a person who wanted to change to another church after being scolded by his pastor. I asked him, "What kind of pastor are you looking for?" He said, "One who isn't so harsh." People are foolish then they can't distinguish right from wrong. Even when his pastor is strict, he still refuses to change his bad habits. He keeps going in circles and fails to realize the importance of mutual edification.

The friends who build each other are the ones that matter

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17 NIV)

Friends who build each other up are real friends. However, if your friend is acting fake, then they are a bad friend.

Earlier, there was a brother who got cancer. None of the brothers and sisters from his previous church prayed for him. Even when his pastor saw him, he just asked him, "How are you doing? Have you seen a doctor?". They just shifted the responsibility to the doctors. I was very surprised by this. So, whether you are looking for a church or making friends, find those who can help each other grow. Relationships that don't edify are just a waste of time.

It surprised me, that this brother got cancer and his church treated him like this. His wife should have realized something, but she didn't. She continued going to that church.

Personality is an important part when dealing with people and doing things

In interaction between people, personality plays a large role. For instance, among us, there is no time for nonsense. We are learning every day, with endless notes to write and endless lessons to learn. I am very glad that the small shepherds in our church have higher standards than large shepherds. This is good, we don’t have time to be angry or talk about random things.

Stone is heavy and sand a burden, but a fool’s provocation is heavier than both.” (Proverbs 27:3 NIV)

Who do fools usually get angry with? Fools don't angry with people on the street who have nothing to do with them; they get angry with those who truly want to help them grow. Whether you are someone who easily gets angry, and your wisdom in dealing with people and matters all determine your personality. I encourage everyone to continually adjust their personality. How to do it? Start by addressing your own ignorance.

My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children. (Hosea 4:6 NIV)

God’s people have died because of ignorance, and an ignorant person can't have a good personality. You can't think you are wise only because you have a university degree. True knowledge is what people need. Anger, jealousy, and hypocrisy in a person all stem from ignorance.

If anyone loudly blesses their neighbour early in the morning, it will be taken as a curse. (Proverbs 27:14 NIV)

Lots of people don’t know that this is a bad thing. We have done a lot of things that God doesn’t like. Why do we do them? Because we have already done it a lot of times and we think it’s actually good for us. As a result, they are disliked by people and also disliked by God. Being disliked by people is one thing, but being disliked by God is a much bigger problem.

Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy? (Proverbs 27:4 NIV)

Jealous people think they are right for being jealous, why are you jealous? They don’t even know. How foolish is this? If you have wisdom you won’t do this.

Personalities are the most important thing in relationships. A person talked to me about how everybody just bullied him. I thought to myself, he is an evil person. Foolishness will cause a lot of problems.

Brothers and sisters, you need to learn something, foolishness is the root of evil. If you have a clear understanding of anger and jealousy, and everything that happens to you, then you will be able to solve a lot of things.

Be wise, my son, and bring joy to my heart; then I can answer anyone who treats me with contempt. (Proverbs 27:11 NIV)

The Christians are considered foolish by worldly standards, yet God has chosen them to display His wisdom and power. Everyone must understand clearly that you all are witnesses to my service. If you change even a bit, I can respond to those who mock me, whether they are human or spiritual beings. Our church is a church that serves, we help solve your problems.

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17 NIV)

Our service is like sharpening a blade. If it is rusty, we remove the rust. This way, you build me up, and I build you up. Why? Because by solving your problem, I grow. During the process of resolving your problem, the interactions between us are like iron sharpening iron.

There are many things to do to remove our ignorance. We want to train ourselves on how to talk and what to say.

Personality is related to what the eyes see

Death and Destruction are never satisfied, and neither are human eyes. (Proverbs 27:20 NIV)

Having God's image is seeing everything as good. Even if a freshly dug well is repeatedly stolen. God wants to train our perspective, never forgetting His sovereignty over us - even if it is demons causing trouble, they are sent by God. So no matter what problems you face, repent and reflect on yourself.

What you see is what you get. What you see determines your personality. Anger, jealousy, and rage are formed inside based on what their eyes see. A person who has a vision like God sees everything as good. A person who doesn't have a vision like God sees everything as bad. If someone's eye always sees bad things, they need to adjust their vision.

Now, change our internal knowledge and perspective. Start having heavenly visions and dreams, possessing divine knowledge, and many problems will be resolved. It is crucial how we react to what we see.

One who is full loathes honey from the comb, but to the hungry even what is bitter tastes sweet. (Proverbs 27:7 NIV)

So if you want to edify someone, you should nourish the area where they are most hungry. If they are hungry for God's word, they will find it sweet as soon as they taste it.

The attitude towards doing things also tests a person

The one who guards a fig tree will eat its fruit, and whoever protects their master will be honored. (Proverbs 27:18 NIV)

When the hay is removed and new growth appears and the grass from the hills is gathered in,
the lambs will provide you with clothing, and the goats with the price of a field. You will have plenty of goat’s milk to feed your family and to nourish your female servants. (Proverbs 27:25-27 NIV)

You need to have a good work attitude because when someone is lazy, the tasks that need to be done pile up. We all need to break free from laziness, as laziness is very dangerous.

As a shepherd, you need to know the condition of your sheep in detail and pay attention to managing your cattle. A sheep needs to be brought to good grass to thrive. This is our church, the sheep in our church are now well fed and their income has increased. These sheep think our church is good because we shepherd them and we teach them to become shepherds.

When God sees this, "Wow, there are all wise people." So our God can answer those who mock Him. Our heavenly Father's will is fulfilled, and His heart is greatly delighted. Not only have our personalities changed, our work attitudes have also changed, but there are also fruits. People have become friends who can edify each other, and relationships have become healthy.

I often say, "Where does God dwell?" God dwells in the relationship between people. If we bite and quarrel with each other, surely demons dwell among us. However, if our relationships edify each other, then surely God dwells among us.

If you can find friends who can build you up, then you will have a good relationship with them. If we have a relationship where we build each other up, then God is at work with us.

Be careful of strangers and outsiders

I often find that in some churches, those who should be shepherded are neglected, relationships are not properly cared for, while those without relationships receive better attention.

Take the garment of one who puts up security for a stranger; hold it in pledge if it is done for an outsider. (Proverbs 27:13 NIV)

Some people specifically donate money to remote places, claiming it is for missions. You will find that our church has a distinct characteristic: we prioritize practical actions. If God brings people to me, I will serve them, but I will not go to foreign places to find people.

Has anybody realized that I do things differently? I don’t invite other pastors to teach, because this is my job. I don’t need to find other people to take my job.

Like a bird that flees its nest is anyone who flees from home. (Proverbs 27:8 NIV)

Don't blindly isolate yourself. If you have a relationship with somebody, then communicate with them, don’t isolate yourself in a secret room. The task that God gives us is to build a glorious church. This involves edifying relationships and shepherding. Abraham's way of dealing with people was different from many Christians today. he knew well how to establish good relationships with others.

Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice. (Proverbs 27:9 NIV)

We are the people who have found our destiny and walk in God's will. God cares deeply for the smallest among us. No matter how you found us, we serve you as we serve God. May God have mercy on us and give us strength and determination to move forward. If you don’t like our serving, then I won’t try to convince you. However, if you want us to serve you, I hope you will serve others the same in the future.

May God bless you.

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